Senggigi Beach

Senggigi Beach (bird eye view)

A little more than one hour from Lombok International Airport, Senggigi Beach is the primary tourism focus on Lombok and separated from the Gili Islands, the most developes tourism are on Lombok. The town of Senggigi Beach is around 10 km nort of Ampenan, and around 30 minutes drive from Teluk Nara and Bangsal – the harbors to the Gili Islands. 

No place close as extensive or as occupied as its Bali partners, Senggigi Beach is a freat base for investigating whatever is left of the island. The pace is laid-back, with exercises focused on the shorelines and day excursions to spots of the interest, which are all inside a couple of hours drive from the town. 

During the evening, Jalan Raya Senggigi (the fundamental road) wakes up. Eat in the numerous eateries taking into account all tastes and spending plans, listen to unrecorded music at the bars, or move the night away at the dance club. 

Senggigi Beach Map

Senggigi Beach is the extensive narrows that structures the focal point of Senggigi Beach, with the cleaning specialist street running parallel to the shoreline, and vast resorts involving the space between. The Senggigi Beach Hotel, Santosa Villas and Resort, and the Sheraton Senggigi Resort all line the bended straight of Senggigi Beach and offer a full range or resort offices, similarly appealing for singles, couples and families. 

The beachfront is as of now experiencing "revitalisation" by the West Lombok Tourism Department, which debilitates to demolish the characteristic magnificence of the shoreline. It can turn out to be extremely swarmed and is the best maintained a strategic distance from on Sundays and open occasions. In any case, numerous more delightful shorelines exist minutes away toward the north. 

Silhoutted Mt. Agung - Bali view from Senggigi Beach

A standout amongst the most astounding sights on the island is the nightfall saw from Senggigi Beach, with the brilliant orange sun sinking into the ocean toward the west and Bali's Gunung Agung spring of gushing lava silhoutted not too far off like a goliath pyramid drifting in the sea. 

Senggigi Reef, off the southern point, has great coral for snorkeling and in the right conditions, some tolerable surf breaks. Kayaks can be enlisted from the shoreline on the weekends and amid crest tourism times. Neighborhood outrigger water crafts (prahu) can contracted from the beachfront for excursions along the coast or out to the Gili islands. 

The principle street in Senggigi Beach is lined with little alluring lodgings taking into account all financial plans, shops visit offices, eateries, bars and dance club. Numerous which have unrecorded music in the nights. There are two or three general stores, various ATM's and moneychangers, a mail station and all the ordinary traveler offices. 

Senggigi Beach is an unwinding and alluring spot to stay, with a decent scope of lavish inns and resorts, and in addition mid-range and spending plan facilities. 

Tourism advancement runs north along the waterfront street around 10 km, with numerous lodgings and eateries situated along the excellent shorelines that line the whole west drift. 

Around 2 km north of focal Senggigi Kerandangan Valley has a well known shoreline adjacent and little boutique lodgings, for example, Puri Mas Spa Resort and Villa Campi Sorga, arranged in a pretty valley. Dream Estate Park includes private manor settlement for proprietors and financial specialists, and has manors accessible for short and long haul rental in secure, all around oversaw domain. 

Toward the end of the street through Kerandangan Valley is the Taman Wisata Alam – Kerandangan Nature Reserve – with plainly stamped climbing ways driving thrugh the downpour backwoods along the waterway. There is a little Ranger's hovel and guests focus close to the passage, and cookout zones with fundamental solid tables along the ways. The recreation center brags a little waterfall, beautiful waterway landscape, groups of neighborhood monkeys, and an assortment of tropical plants and birdlife. 

Promote north, Mangsit has created as a convenience different option for Senggigi Beach with boutique style lodgings situated along the amazing shorelines of this segment of coast. 

Farthest north are Klui and Lendang Luar and long extends of unblemished shorelines. 

For the most part forsook white sand shorelines, flanked by coconut forests and untouched by inn improvement, proceed with the distance north along the fundamental seaside street. Malimbu and Nipah are two pleasant sounds not as much as thirty minutes from Senggigi Beach, which are useful for snorkeling, swimming and making tracks in an opposite direction from it all. 

read also : How Getting to Lombok

Teluk Nara and Teluk Kodek are on a substantial straight that structures a characteristic harbor, around 25 km north of Senggigi Beach. All fundamental jump administrators have pontoons here, which exchange visitors to the Gili Islands, as a different option for close-by Bangsal Harbor. 

Bangsal Harbor, under 5 km promote north, is come to by turning left at the cross streets in Pemenang and from that point it is anything but difficult to get people in general ships (very outrigger vessels) out to the Gilis, or to contract water crafts for island jumping. 

Whether you are looking for extravagance convenience at a main a resort feasting and spa offices, or a financial plan occasion with days spent investigating – or every one of the decisions in the middle of – Senggigi Beach cooks for all tastes and spending plans. 

From Senggigi Beach, it's anything but difficult to investigate the attractions of shocking south drift or to bounce on watercraft to the acclaimed Gili islands lying simply seaward. Swim, snorkel, plunge, climb, lie in the sun, have rub, eat and drink at a percentage of the immense eateries and bars around the local area or simply enjoy a reprieve and be captivated by the peace and magnificence of Lombok.

Read also : About Gili Trawangan

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